Owning your own pair of ski boots is very important if you regularly go away skiing. They are connecting you to your skis which, in turn determine your whole skiing ability.
Having custom moulded ski boots can dramatically improve your overall skiing ability and can save you a lot of money over the years.
Shoes sizes are not used to fit ski boots, instead a industry standard Mondo sizing is used. This is a measurement in CM. For example a foot measuring 27.5cm would be a 27.5 Mondo sizing. This a rough guide to find boot size, as both feet are usually a different length we accurately use other measurements and set up each foot with a slightly different fit to accommodate this. Both a standing and sitting measurement is taken, this can help finding how much foot spread you have and can ensure a snug fitting ski boot.
Our boot fitters will access your feet using a podoscope to determine volume and width. This will will show pressure areas so a proper support can be added to the boot.
We offer a free fitting service included with our boots and guarantee a great fit.
All of the boots we stock are heat moulded. Some models are oven heated to offer an even more custom fit.
Most fittings take between 1 and 2 hours so it is important to leave enough time for them to get fitted properly.
If you are purchasing a custom fitted insole this can add to the time.
Below is a detailed video from Sidas which outlines what is involved in the insole making process. Please note we also offer this service for everyday, running, cycling and golf insoles.
Please phone us on 02891873590 for more information and to book a fitting session.